Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) is a home visitation program.
The purpose of NFP is to help you,your family and baby have the best possible health & development, and find the services and resources you need to meet health and life course goals. Each visit lasts about one to one and one half hours.
Visit Schedule:
- Getting to Know Each Other (the first four weeks): Visits take place once a week.
- Pregnancy: Visits take place every other week for the remainder of your pregnancy.
- Postpartum (after the birth of your baby): Visits take place once a week for the first 6 weeks after your baby comes home.
- Infancy and Toddler: Visits take place every other week until your baby is 21 months old.
Wrapping It Up (the last 4 months): Visits take place once a month until your baby's second birthday.
Your Nurse Home Visitor will:
- Listen to you and your family's needs, concerns and life course goals.
- Assist you and your family in setting and meeting health and life course goals.
- Provide information and resources needed to support you, your family and baby in reaching goals.
- Contact you if she needs to cancel a visit.
You will:
- Decide who will be present during the visits.
- Set your own goals for you and your family/baby.
- Ask for information and resources you are interested in or need for yourself, your family and your baby.
- Carry out plans to meet your personal and family goals.
- Be open to new information provided and decide what makes sense for you.
- Contact your nurse home visitor if you need to cancel a visit.